19 April 2006


They're all at it now. Had a read of Fel's blog only to find a post with a picture of 'Mus':

I think I look quite handsome there.

It's nice to have a post semi-dedicated to you (she also had a picture of
Chris) so I wanted to return the favour by putting up a picture of Felicia:

There she is, Hurricane Felicia on her way to causing havoc on the Hawaiian islands in 1997. Her menacing presence is making everyone around her t-o-u-g-h-e-r.

She be rolling like a hurricane, blowing everyone away, showing she is truly the best. She is pace and she is power and she's going to tower high up above the rest.


Blogger Stella said...

I landed on your blog MUS:P It was ME who made the Nice Chocolate Mus. Fel only contributed in holding up the book while I read the recipe & of course, she helped in the eating. How comes she gets all the credits?! Oh ya, kitchenidiot. hahahahaha.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Stella!

Credit must be given when it is due so I want to point out that you are not just a culinary genius but are also a very attractive scooter: http://www.scooterworks.com/images/bikes/stella-orange-front.jpg

In fact, you are so attractive that you are even too HOT for California: http://www.sloanhome.net/blogpics/20030905.jpg

If I come up to visit Warwick you're going to make it again so I can taste it for real. Fel can hold the recipe book again...but she's going to have to fight me in the queue to eat it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! What about me? I happened to be the one to whip the egg whites stiff, or u'd not have been so handsome. You'd have been just a blob of mush. Helloooooo?

Anyway, your wonderful poem of Felicia definitely made Fel's head swell. In fact, the last I heard, she was trying to piece together the remnants after one heck of a massive explosion. Tsk tsk Mus, look what you've done now.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daffy, how could I not recognised your efforts? Thank you for making me look so beautiful. It's espescially good of you to take the time to do so when you have a busy schedule as a world famous entertainer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr_qYnod4j8

Good luck with all your exams! If Sing Soc have a BBQ I wanna come play football again!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, that video is hilarious!
But may I remind you that I am a FEMALE, thank you very much.

Gosh I miss that day, even though I seriously had no interest in soccer at all!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHAHAHAHHA... omgosh, felistopher... u are named after a hurricane!?!?... i dunno which is cooler, that, mousse or a pack of crisps... hehehe..

Blogger fe li ci a said...

oohhh myyy gaaaaaawd!

hahaha.. this just proves that i AM a hurricane... look at all the hoo haa that i have caused! AHHAHAHA...

everyone is jealous...everyone wants a piece of mus.. AHHAHAHAHAHAHA....poor mus.. have to google everyone's name! AHAHHAHAHA....DAMN FUNNYYY..

yo chris-topher... stop calling me felistopher please...

thank you for the blgo entry DEDICATED to me man... thaaanx... mousse is the best.



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