Ji Sung Park de Triomphe
Ji Sung Park wherever you may be...I probably better not finish off the words to that song or I could face the lynch from the entire South Korean nation.
Was so pleased for Ji to score against France yesterday. He's had a good first season at United and I enjoy watching him play. He didn't get the goals he deserved this season but yesterday will have made it up for him. My Asian blood welled up with pride for him. Hopefully they'll progress a bit further. Come on the Far East!
Well that was my Asian blood. My Berkshire blood swelled for the performance of Reading's very own American winger Bobby Convey the other night. He was magic against the Italians. In my honest (but very clearly biased) opinion, he is America's best player. USA had two men sent off in the game, which meant Bobby had to be sacrificed to get another defender on.

So disguested with his withdrawal was I that I was tempted to protest and turn over the telly to watch something crap like The Antiques Roadshow instead. Then of course reality comes back and dictates that no one would actually care if I did that making it a futile and ultimately irrational protest.
Such is the life of a Berkshire born, Asian-blooded armchair football fan of mystery.
Was so pleased for Ji to score against France yesterday. He's had a good first season at United and I enjoy watching him play. He didn't get the goals he deserved this season but yesterday will have made it up for him. My Asian blood welled up with pride for him. Hopefully they'll progress a bit further. Come on the Far East!

So disguested with his withdrawal was I that I was tempted to protest and turn over the telly to watch something crap like The Antiques Roadshow instead. Then of course reality comes back and dictates that no one would actually care if I did that making it a futile and ultimately irrational protest.
Such is the life of a Berkshire born, Asian-blooded armchair football fan of mystery.
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